Alternative Living
(too old to reply)
2006-02-10 05:52:43 UTC
* In the real threat of a worldwide pandemic from bird flu.
* In the danger of mad cow disease (BSE) and pig disease (PMWS) etc¡K.
* To stop the continuing gruesome sacrifice of billions of our sweet
animals, marine life and feathered friends ¡K

Thank You

It¡Šs wise to change to a vegetarian diet for good.

It¡Šs Healthy
It¡Šs Economical
It¡Šs Compassionate
It¡Šs Noble
It¡Šs Peace

For more information in multiple languages, please visit the following
Larry Fisk
2007-12-16 05:45:36 UTC
If God didn't want us to eat animals
He wouldn't have made them out of meat.<G>
Post by HL
* In the real threat of a worldwide pandemic from bird flu.
* In the danger of mad cow disease (BSE) and pig disease (PMWS) etc¡K.
* To stop the continuing gruesome sacrifice of billions of our sweet
animals, marine life and feathered friends ¡K
Thank You
It¡Šs wise to change to a vegetarian diet for good.
It¡Šs Healthy
It¡Šs Economical
It¡Šs Compassionate
It¡Šs Noble
It¡Šs Peace
For more information in multiple languages, please visit the following